Friday, July 22, 2011

Last Battle

The last battle that was supposed to include bots was a bust. Not only could I not get the server running with that mod my PC kept lagging out. I would go from 20 to 150 just because it was being a bitch. Turned out to be a very crappy night for me but a good one for Duck who won 2 maps. Can't believe it and sadly don't got any screenshots of any maps from that night.

I'm definitely calling for a rematch and will bring the old Q server up WITH the bots. When that happens get ready for kukai to kick your aynusses!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


For you basturds that think I'm getting in some Q practice I suggest taking a break from your ghey pr0n so you can download and install it on your PC. I'm using a laptop and it runs fine. Just make sure you don't load too many bots or the game will start to crawl and the bots will kick your lagged ass. As old as the game is the combo of game and rune mod is one of the best!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rune Bots!

Ah I was going through my old Q files and found the runebot mod. It's pretty old and I don't recall if we ever played it. Anyway I was bored as shit and decided to install and run it.

Wow, damn bot was good!! Moved like Stink and camped like Okole I mean Spydy! *HAHAHA* Nah...

I was impressed and suggest we plan the next Q soon. This will be the mod we run. Now here's some other cool things about the mod. Not only does it have bots but also different runes. Not sure what they all are as my binds weren't even configured to check and test them out.

Might be a good idea to consider teams - us vs. bots. I'm almost sure they are going to give us a hard time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stats-10: maps=10, frags=30, time=15

Different setup this time. It was more like a LAN party and probably will be the basis for future sessions. All around good battles!

Let's shoot for 15 maps next time!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stats-9: maps=10, frags=varied (30 or 40), time=15

Somethings are just too damned natural like the vibes coming off a good session of Q. This was long awaited and well worth it. Fun times all around!

Looking forward to another one soon!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Next Q Battle

It's been almost a year since the last fragfest! Damn we really miss that kind of quick carnage and gratification. COD has nice graphics but no where near the kind of playability that this game has.

Hoping to setup another Q battle in the next month or two. Talked about throwing the server on the Internet again but just haven't had the time. Worst case it'll be a LAN battle again. That's hella more fun anyway cause of all the funny sounds --> cussing, pounding, sighs, and excuses.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stats-8: maps=7, frags=40, time=15

This was an unplanned Q that literally fell into place a few maps in. The pix are only from the maps where the issues were finally fixed.

We had some tight battles. Good game!